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Welcome To Ubiquitous University.

The one Influencer marketing course to rule them all. (And, it's free.)

A simple guide to mastering influencer marketing front-to-back in less time than it takes to actually get a real Master's degree.

Get Free Access to the Course

School Is In Session. 

This is not another month-long teaching course that makes you want to bash your head into the computer monitor.

This is a crash course on everything you need to know about dominating the internet with the help of influencers.

This course was made by experts for those who want to become experts themselves. 

Make me an expert

What Is Ubiquitous University? 

Ubiquitous University was developed to help brands create successful influencer marketing campaigns that convert faithful followers into lifetime customers.

We were sick of seeing people charge hundreds of dollars for colossal, yet hollow courses that leave learners less informed than when they started.

So we crafted an influencer marketing course that you can read, understand, and implement in less time than it takes most brands to run one team meeting.

I'm in!

New School > Old School 

This course will help you to step outside the traditional marketing framework and embrace the rapidly-growing influencer marketing strategies that have catapulted brands to the top of social media feeds.  

Let's do it

What Comes With This Prestigious Degree?

Here’s a taste of what you’ll be studying…

  • Setting Influencer Marketing Campaign Goals
  • Finding & Selecting The Right Influencers 
  • Writing An Influencer Pitch That Gets Opened Every Time
  • Scripting A Winning Creative Brief 
  • How To Properly Communicate With Influencer Talent
  • The Pitfalls To Avoid In Your Influencer Marketing Campaign
  • How To Measure & Optimize Your Influencer Marketing Spend
Enroll me

Wait, There Are Extra Curriculars?


Throughout each chapter of this course, additional resources such as campaign templates, pre-scripted emails, creative brief samples, budgeting decks, and other materials will be available for free download at your disposal.

Basically, we’re giving you the secret sauce to make everything you touch turn to gold.

I like gold

How Much Does It Cost To Go To This University? 


That’s right, absolutely nothing.

All you have to do is register your name, company, and email with us then BOOM, you’re officially a UBQ University student attending to school for FREE!

Free is for me
Purple circle

“I want to grow on…”

Dots in the background