Learn from the Best: 5 Instagram Marketing Strategy Examples to Follow


Is your Instagram marketing strategy falling flat?

Chances are you’re trying to take a wild guess at what the algorithm is going to do next. 

Good luck with that one, we’ve tried that and let’s just say you’re better off winning the Powerball. 

Instead of spending hours taking wild guesses, do yourself a favor and steal these 5 Instagram marketing strategies that are sure to increase your engagement, gain followers, and put your brand at the top of the feed. Oh, and if you want help with Instagram influencer marketing, we can help you with that. Just, you know, FYI.

5 Instagram Marketing Strategies You Can Steal From Million-Follower Brands

1. Leverage user-generated content from Instagram followers and fans.

In order to win on Instagram, brands need to post consistently. While this may seem easy, many brands repeat the same types of content on their Instagram account, leading to lower engagement over time. User-generated content is an endless well of content your brand can pull from that is original and speaks to your audience because it comes straight from your truest fans.

Not only does it keep a steady stream of content flowing, but it also creates rapport with your followers telling them that you value their content and want to use it on your own feed. This is one Instagram marketing strategy that any brand can start using right now without paying a single cent to make it happen.

2. Work with Instagram influencers to craft a diverse range of content.

Influencers know how to make waves on social media. Established influencers have built strong relationships with their followers, know what they like, and serve it to them via Instagram posts. If your brand's target audience is similar to specific influencers, partnering with them to create a collection of Instagram posts can help get your name in front of more potential followers.

Collaborating with influencers using this Instagram marketing strategy also gives your brand another storytelling perspective that diversifies your content and gives it further reach to new audiences. From experience, I’ve seen the impact influencers can make on a brand’s overall following, and I’ll tell you firsthand that working with them opens up the potential to reach millions of new followers who would’ve never known your brand existed had an influencer never shared content about your brand. 

3. Use Instagram Stories to stay on top of the feed.

Over 500 million users check Instagram stories every single day. 

If your brand wants to stay consistent, leveraging Instagram stories is a simple and effective way to do so. These stories can range in style and topic, from simple product posts to audience questions and polls, all of which encourage your followers to engage with you on a daily basis and give their input. Not to mention the more stories you share, the more your followers will see your brand at the top of their feeds.

You can also use Instagram stories that perform well and convert them into Instagram ads that share just like a story. By doing this, you can inject your brand into the feed without it feeling like some sleazy sales tactic.

4. Focusing on creating compelling Instagram Reels.

Instagram put a major emphasis on Reels over the last two years, hoping to compete with the viral platform, TikTok. In doing so, Instagram has prioritized Reels as one of the highest-performing types of content your brand can share with followers. 

While photos and videos are still relevant on Instagram, Reels perform 67% higher than standard Instagram videos. This trend isn’t going anywhere anytime soon so in order for your brand to see more engagement, sharing Reels is a must if you want to see a steady upward trend in engagement and followers.

5. Show up and engage with your Instagram audience on a daily basis.

One of the most undervalued aspects of Instagram is audience engagement. There are tons of brands out there that share Instagram posts and walk away, leaving their audiences with little to no response. On the other hand, brands that focus on engaging with their followers daily tend to see an overall increase in regular engagement and followers.

In my experience working with brands at Ubiquitous, engagement is one of those things that requires constant attention from the social media team. Sure it might feel like boring repetition, but this is another Instagram marketing strategy that keeps your audience attuned to what you post, leading to more conversions over time.

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3 Winning Instagram Marketing Strategy Examples You Should Follow

The strategies above are simple efforts that your brand can make to up your engagement and convert followers into customers. That being said, I don’t find it helpful when people talk about Instagram marketing without context. I think it’s important to see how brands do this on a regular basis so that you can borrow some of their ideas and use them to your advantage. 

So here are three brands that are killing it on Instagram right now using the strategies I just talked about. 

Keep in mind that these examples focus on one of the three core aspects of social media content—Entertainment, Inspiration, or Education. 

Instagram Marketing Strategy Example #1: Entertainment - Liquid Death

If you have an Instagram account and you’re not following Liquid Death, do yourself a favor and head over to the page and hit the follow button right now. Since the brand's inception, Liquid Death has dominated social media feeds with its wildly entertaining and edgy content that puts all other water brands to shame. 

Liquid Death's Instagram strategy is simple: share content that turns heads every single time—whether it's an organic post, influencer collaboration, or paid advertisement.

What makes them stand out is the heavy focus on brand image. The name alone speaks volumes, but it is reinforced by Instagram posts that live out the mantra “murder your thirst”. All of this content is shared as Instagram reels, where users can watch the chaos unfold on the feed and share it with friends. 

This comes in the form of high-production organic content that ranges from satirical infomercials to the brand’s mascot, “Thurst Murderer” ripping 12ft half pipes at the skatepark.

Another Instagram marketing tactic Liquid Death uses is selecting influencer partners in a wide variety of categories and tasking them with finding their own ways to quench their dying thirst. This includes partnerships with edgy icons like Travis Barker (who made a Liquid Death Enema in honor of Blink 182’s album) and Martha Stewart (who made a scented candle mold of her hand gripping the LD can).

Where Liquid Death truly wins on Instagram is user-generated content. The brand has built a cult following on social media and allows its audience to contribute to the anarchy by encouraging them to share videos of the ways they murder thirst. This means insane contests asking fans to find the wildest ways to open a can of LD, murderous mocktails that use LD to bring the flavor, and even having followers taste test its sparkling water on their pets

Instagram Marketing Strategy Example #2: Inspiration - Away Luggage

Think about the last time you were at the airport. Did you get a peek at your fellow passenger's luggage?

Chances are at least 50% of them were rocking a piece of Away luggage. The luggage company turned lifestyle trendsetter is one of the most popular luggage brands in the industry and brings travel envy to the feed with every single post. 

Away’s Instagram profile is the ideal Pinterest travel board, filled with imagery and video that inspires its followers to do exactly what the brand wants, "get away". Where the brand wins, is its focus on that inspiration. Across all efforts, Away inspires its followers through Instagram posts that come in the form of organic content, influencer partnerships, and user-generated content.

On the organic side, Away uses a combination of still images and videography to show off its innovative products, while maintaining the inspirational message with the help of epic locations across the globe. You can see this in behind-the-scenes Instagram reels that give followers a look at how some of its iconic images come to life as well as simple shots that breathe travel. 

It’s important to note that in these Instagram posts, Away doesn’t always focus on product placement—half of the brand’s organic posts don’t even include a piece of Away luggage. This contributes to the lifestyle image that the brand puts out and helps connect its followers to the brand message, making the content feel less like an advertisement and more like a mood board.

When it comes to influencer partnerships, Away is intentional about who it partners with for collaborations. The brand maintains a strong image of wanderlust and ensures that any influencer it partners with aligns with that message. You can see this with influencers like Marlene Lee (@cookiesandcandies) and Hegia K. (@heyhegia)—two distinct creators who operate in the travel space but target very different audiences.

Marlene focuses on sharing her adventures in Bali through strong travel photography and subtle hints that Away luggage is always with her. Hegia, a Paris-based influencer emulates the elegant Parisian lifestyle while paying homage to the luggage brand that follows her everywhere she goes. This intricate balance of influencers helps the brand discover new audiences all over the world, reinforcing the idea that Away will always be there no matter where you go.

Away stands alone when it comes to luggage brands on Instagram and does so through inspiration. As one of the core tenants of content on social media, inspiration is a massive catalyst for growth as a majority of users flock to the feed to find things that inspire them. Travel is the perfect vehicle for inspiration, and Away has found a style on its Instagram feed that blends inspiration with products in a way that feels organic to its brand through and through. 

Instagram Marketing Strategy Example #3: Education - HiSmile

Everyone wants to show off their pearly whites. That’s what leads most of us to try our hand at some kind of whitening kit in the hopes that we can show off that perfect smile.

HiSmile knows a thing or two about keeping those teeth white and likes to show it off on the Instagram feed. The teeth whitening brand is widely known for its celebrity influencers like Kim Kardashian and UFC champion, Conor McGregor, both of which have shared the kit on their Instagram profiles. The brand also works with tons of smaller influencers that take to the feed to highlight just how impactful the brand is on their smiles. 

Organically, HiSmile’s Instagram feed feels like a lifestyle brand blend between beauty and fashion, showing off its diverse range of products while keeping it classy and entertaining. This content comes in the form of still images and video promoting products in a way that stands out dramatically compared to its competitors. The brand opts for high production that mimics its overall aesthetic and lends to the lifestyle image it seeks to portray. Whether it’s a new promotional launch, sharing detailed shots of packaging, or a carousel post talking about what goes into the product, HiSmile keeps it consistent across the feed when it comes to quality.

Another organic area where HiSmile stands out is a second Instagram account called HiSmile Research.

Here, the brand focuses its efforts on sharing detailed information about the science behind teeth whitening. This includes behind-the-scenes looks at how the product is made, the rigorous testing that goes into developing the solution, and the technology it uses to make that all happen.

This is something that few beauty brands consider when it comes to Instagram marketing. Most keep this kind of information behind closed doors, leaving the consumer out of the loop. HiSmile on the other hand has dedicated an entire Instagram business account just to transparency, opting to show everything to followers–and it works. Over 28k Instagram users follow the HiSmile Research page and engage with it on a regular basis. This helps legitimize the brand even more and ensures that followers know exactly what they are getting when they purchase. 

From a collaborative perspective, HiSmile has worked with thousands of influencers all over the globe. The Aussie-based brand has found an influencer formula that’s tapped them into the mainstream and earned them collaborations with some of the biggest influencers on the planet—like the Kim K’s and Conor McGregors of the world. 

These Instagram influencer partnerships help the brand connect with a diverse audience and reinforce the fact that the product actually works. You can see this in posts from influencers like @kellystrackofficial and @celestethomas. Both of these Instagram influencers play in the beauty space and have taken it upon themselves to highlight HiSmile in their own creative ways. These Instagram posts are then shared by HiSmile on its organic page garnering thousands of views and comments from those who follow the influencers. 

This Instagram marketing approach is one that has propelled HiSmile to the top of the teeth whitening game and gained them over 1 million followers respectively. In my experience, it’s these types of influencer collaborations that introduce new fans to a product that aligns with their interests and is then given credibility from an influencer that they respect and trust. When done over and over again, it helps develop consistent engagement and drives the brand forward to new audiences. 

Try these Instagram marketing strategies yourself and see what happens!

Go ahead, give one or all of these strategies a try, and watch what happens to your brand on Instagram.

By the way, we here at Ubiquitous are all about putting what we preach into practice. We’ve done it for tons of brands in all kinds of industries and would love to help you do the same. Our team of tenacious marketers is always looking for ways to put your brand on the map and convert faithful followers into cold hard cash.

If you like the sound of that, tap right here to schedule a call with our team today!

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